Vice Mayor of Nantong, Ling Li, and her delegation visited CIMC SOE for an investigation

On July 6th, Vice Mayor of Nantong City, Ling Li, accompanied by the Vice Secretary of the Qidong Municipal Committee of the CPC and Mayor, Yi Cai, led a delegation to visit Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CIMC SOE") to investigate and research the operational conditions of key enterprises. Wenbao Gao, Vice President of CIMC Enric and General Manager of CIMC SOE, along with Jian Ding Wang, Executive Vice General Manager, Fei Su, Vice General Manager, Ling Zhu, Senior Advisor, Guangsheng Wei, Assistant to the General Manager of the Management Center, and Chongbing Shi, Financial Officer, warmly received the visiting officials.

During the visit, Ling Li's delegation inspected the West Yard.Mr. Gao and Mr. Wang provided detailed briefings to Vice Mayor Li and other officials about the company's current order book, shipbuilding progress, development plans, and expressed confidence in market prospects. They also mentioned that the company will focus on low-temperature clean energy at sea and continuously improve product quality and service levels.

In the meeting that followed, General Manager Gao gave a comprehensive report to Vice Mayor Ling Li and her delegation about the company's overall situation, including a company profile, CIMC and CIMC Enric's investment and development in Nantong, the distribution of CIMC SOE production bases, main economic indicators, and future development plans. Mr. Gao noted that this year, the company expects a significant increase in revenue compared to last year. As of now, the order book exceeds 15 billion yuan, with production schedules extending until 2028. For the strategic plan over the next five years, the company aims to leverage its technological advantages and brand influence to focus on strategic products related to clean energy, continuously strengthen research and development, develop new productive forces, and embark on a path of high-quality development, contributing to the economic development of Nantong and Qidong, as well as green ocean initiatives.

At the conclusion of the visit, Vice Mayor Ling Li highly praised CIMC SOE for its achievements in recent years. She emphasized that relevant government departments should further enhance communication and coordination with enterprises, optimize the business environment, invigorate market vitality, and assist companies in resolving practical difficulties. She also expressed high hopes for the company's future development, encouraging it to improve operational efficiency through systematic management, seize industry development opportunities, and achieve higher-quality growth. In response to Vice Mayor Li's instructions, General Manager Gao assured that the company would seize opportunities, continuously enhance core competitiveness, and work together to promote the high-quality development of the city's shipbuilding and marine engineering industries.

Leaders from the Qidong municipal government office, commerce bureau, and marine engineering and shipbuilding industrial park accompanied the inspection tour.