Safety is everyone's watchword, emergency response a universal skill - A confined space emergency rescue exercise was conducted

On June 28th, Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CIMC SOE") in collaboration with the Qidong City Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding Industry Safety Association and the Administrative Committee of Qidong Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding Industrial Park, staged a comprehensive emergency response drill simulating a rescue operation within confined spaces at its eastern facility. This exercise was attended by Mr. Huang Ting, Deputy Director of the Qidong Municipal Emergency Management Bureau; Mr. Zhang Xiaopeng, Chief of the Emergency Rescue Department; Mr. Yang Fan, a member of the Party Working Committee of the Qidong Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding Industrial Park; and Mr. Jiang Weifeng, Executive Assistant to the General Manager of CIMC SOE. Representatives from safety departments and senior management of various member enterprises under the association were present to observe the proceedings.

Prior to the commencement of the drill, Mr. Jiang Weifeng, Assistant to the General Manager of CIMC SOE, extended a warm welcome on behalf of all company employees to the distinguished guests in attendance. He emphasized that most enterprises within the Qidong Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Industrial Park engage in confined space operations, underscoring the need for enhanced safety management and improved emergency response capabilities. Over the years, CIMC SOE has consistently adhered to the principle of "safety first, prevention foremost, and comprehensive governance”. It is believed that this emergency drill would effectively reinforce safety and emergency awareness among employees, while enhancing collaborative emergency response capabilities between the company, clients, government, and society, collectively contributing to the safe, stable, healthy, and sustainable development of enterprises within the park.

The drill simulated an incident where a person was injured and trapped due to poisoning within the confined space of the T124 fuel tank project room at the CIMC SOE site. Upon receiving the alarm, the company promptly activated the "Confined Space Rescue Plan", with various emergency teams swiftly mobilizing to the scene to commence rescue operations. Through the concerted efforts of all participants, the drill tasks were successfully accomplished, effectively validating the feasibility and efficacy of the emergency response plan.

Mr. Yang Fan, a member of the Party Working Committee of the Qidong Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Industrial Park, commented on the drill: Its purpose was to enhance overall emergency command, coordination, and response capabilities, continuously improving the integrated emergency rescue system, identifying and rectifying deficiencies, ensuring the organic integration of accident rescue and emergency response support systems. This would guarantee that in the event of a workplace accident, emergency rescue could be executed with the greatest efficiency and orderliness, minimizing casualties and property damage, thereby reducing the harm caused by accidents to the lowest possible extent.

Deputy Director Huang Ting put forth requirements: Enterprises must closely align with the theme of the "Safety Production Month" – "Everyone speaks safety, everyone knows emergency response – unimpeded life-saving channels". They should fulfill their primary responsibility for safety production, conscientiously manage daily safety concerning confined spaces, high-altitude work, special operations, and hazardous chemicals. It is imperative to further refine emergency plans, ensuring they are "prepared for contingencies and addressing immediate concerns through foresight", steadfastly guarding the safety red line. A cautious and vigilant attitude towards safety production is crucial!

Herein, special gratitude is extended to the Qidong City Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Industry Safety Association and the Administrative Committee of the Qidong Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Industrial Park for their substantial support and guidance. Moving forward, we will seize this drill as an opportunity to further strengthen safety production management, refine safety systems and measures, and collaborate closely with all partners to comprehensively advance the full implementation of safety production work, thus laying a solid safety foundation for the company's high-quality development.